We’re now in the starting gate and ready to start building one of Malmö’s largest solar panel installations, right on the roof of our property. This work is in collaboration with LUMA Energy and our property owner Mileway, and will begin on 14 December.
The installation will cover an area of just under 3,600 square meters, and provide a total 597.6 KW
The work is due to be completed by the end of February 2023, and we’re very much looking forward to following the impact of the installation.
In relation to this work, our building will also receive a BREEAM Environmental Certification, where we will also review further energy-saving measures in the property.
Filling our roofs with solar panels is something we’ve been working towards for a long time, and we’re incredibly happy that we’ll finally be producing truly green electricity for the property. The energy will be used in our daily operations, and it’s a big step in the right direction for the Exakta Group’s sustainability strategy.
/Håkan Larsson, CEO